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From Tony Skilton
The only occasion three cement carriers were berthed in Westport!
Taken from the forward porthole of the Second Engineer's cabin aboard
the Golden Bay Cement carrier "John Wilson".
The date is circa 20 March, 1976, and alongside the Milburn silos are "Milburn Carrier" and, ahead of her, "Westport" sporting all her bunting - this was her maiden call into the port after which she was named.

Right and below, a few photos of "John Burke" and some of her gearbox parts. She visited Onehunga as "Niugini Kula" and "Ngamaru III"

Ahead clutch splines - rather the worse for wear!
Alongside at the Mercantile Wharf
Starboard Ahead clutch plate teeth
Gives you an idea of what she was like at sea - the wet deck aft
The starboard gearbox

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